Parenting is hard. It’s incredibly fulfilling some days, and then soul-crushing and draining my life-force the next. No one pulled me aside at any point and said, “Hey this is the stuff you definitely need to know for this stage of your kid’s development.”
Not a day goes by that I don’t fear I’m screwing up my kids.
I don’t like to yell, but they’re just not listening.
Ugh, I know they want my time, but what I’m doing is really important.
I want to do better, and – since you’re here – I suspect you do, too.
I lost my parents at 21, and while the help & support of people close to me has been invaluable, it’s still incredibly hard to find advice for specific parenting situations that are based on scientific evidence (read: based on studies, tests, data) and/or from sources with deep training and experience to draw from.
This site is my personal attempt at aggregating important learnings from various sources – books, audiobooks, podcasts, scholarly journals, and yes, some social media. That last one is the toughest. Any knucklehead online can claim to be an authority on any topic, so I work hard to sift through the muck to find those (that I think are) worth collecting here for future reference.
If you have found this site helpful, feel free to send feedback here. Whether you have some advice to share, a book/podcast/etc. recommendation, or just want to tell me how awful the website design is – fire away. I appreciate all feedback.